
Our Solutions

Our Solutions

RegAgile helps you create and implement integrated development and commercial plans to deliver your innovation to patients.

Rx to OTC Switch
  • Rx to OTC switch Landscape
  • Feasibility assessment
  • Gap analysis
Regulatory Strategy development
  • Regulatory advice to advance product development
  • Strategic approach
  • Empower innovative regulatory strategies to support faster market access
  • Regulatory compliance check
Regulatory Environment monitoring & Health Authority consultation
  • Articulate client’s position and questions on regulatory issues, preparing required documents, organizing meeting and presenting to authorities
  • Regulatory meetings - sponsor representative & health authority liaison
Claims design, selection, substantiation and labeling
  • Scientific Evaluation of Claims
  • Evaluate Clinical and real-world evidence (safety & Efficacy)
  • Claims supported by Market research (expert endorsement, perception claims, sensory claims etc.)
  • Functional / Health / Nutritional claims
  • Regional / global / local Label review
Regulatory Assessment
  • Review the technical and clinical data
  • Assess Legal Basis / Product classification
  • Due diligence and Gap Analysis
  • Dossier review
  • Product review for submission strategy
Ingredient Assessment
  • Evaluate ingredients and their levels (GRAS, EFSA and local approval status)
  • New Combination products review
  • Safety & Efficacy substantiation assessment

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